

  1. Planning my trip
  2. 1st life
  3. eGadgets
  4. Online personas
  5. Inspirational videos
  6. Just do it!
  7. Wiki wacky
  8. I love a sunburnt country
  9. Our State Library
  10. Making movies
  11. Echoes of the early tides
  12. Eastlink Cycle
  13. Zen quality and labels
  14. Staying connected
  15. Finding bliss
  16. Fuel your mind
  17. I like to move it
  18. Book Club
  19. Are you clickable?
  20. Walking on the moon
  21. Stingrays unplugged
  22. Big Brother
  23. Grand Designs
  24. Leap and the net will appear
  25. Smelling the roses
  26. You are what you read
  27. Microsoft mayhem
  28. Summertime
  29. Net dependent
  30. The unanswerable
  31. Straya
  32. The Christmas Spirit
  33. Zen and the Art of the Reference Interview


  1. Fact or fiction
  2. Juggling people
  3. More information please
  4. The Aussie Fire Beast
  5. What next?
  6. Kevin Bacon versus the Lone Cowboy
  7. My Tour de France
  8. Slideshare Rock Star
  9. Multicultural library
  10. Life lessons
  11. Blogging in 2009
  12. Saturday unplugged
  13. The Dog Beach
  14. Twitter Toy
  15. Off the grid
  16. Rest your eyes
  17. QT
  18. Choose your Guru
  19. Here comes the sun
  20. Treasured memories
  21. You can change your life
  22. The next chapter
  23. Too many cups of tea
  24. Extreme libraries
  25. Alex Miller
  26. Dead Koalas


  1. On the radio
  2. Gang Gangs
  3. BureacraSpeak
  4. Master of the Web 2 World
  5. The Village Well
  6. The creative stream
  7. Book Well
  8. Rodeo of Time
  9. Food for thought
  10. A rare treat
  11. Why write
  12. What is social networking
  13. Your thoughts
  14. Delving into the book
  15. Clear blue mind
  16. Too many clicks
  17. The popular response
  18. Travel with a twist
  19. Book Audio Video
  20. Library recipes
  21. Points of perspective
  22. Leave your Leonard Cohen hat on
  23. How if feels
  24. Mipod


  1. The weight of words
  2. Flying not falling
  3. Lazing by the pool
  4. There is an app for that
  5. Facing the world
  6. Jamie is in my kitchen
  7. Foto Viva
  8. In search of lost time
  9. Mindful ebooks
  10. Holiday at home
  11. Country connections
  12. The note that holds you


  1. NYOR2012 Amazing
  2. NYOR2012 Laugh
  3. eM-powering eFutures
  4. 10 books to make you think
  5. Show some emotion
  6. Hours in a day
  7. Escape
  8. Dream
  9. Dear Melbourne
  10. Discover July
  11. On your soapbox
  12. Question: Libraries in 2030?
  13. How does your library grow?
  14. My Big Red Book
  15. Survivor for Bureaucrats
  16. My 2012


  1. The cruel C
  2. Breathe and step
  3. Time rolls away
  4. Old words
  5. The power of the passive
  6. On my eBook shelf
  7. 12 library podcasts
  8. Top 10 non-fiction favourites
  9. Top 10 fiction favourites
  10. A home for geeks
  11. Challenging
  12. Melbourne rainbow
  13. The Oprah effect
  14. Sitting in my mother’s garden
  15. Zombies and the future of libraries
  16. 42 Aussie Librarian bloggers in 2013
  17. Happy snaps
  18. EOM
  19. The man with many hats


  1. Review of 2013
  2. Plans for 2014
  3. Walking in nature
  4. Job hunting
  5. Using Slideshare
  6. Strength in curiosity
  7. Back to busyness
  8. Re-imagine your truth with IN-Q
  9. Books as life rafts
  10. Reading fiction
  11. Ambrosia between paper leaves
  12. Square astronaut round hole
  13. Book Club lists
  14. An afternoon with ALIA
  15. Choose your own library adventure
  16. Apple pods
  17. Pretty pictures
  18. Library reading programs
  19. Paris letters
  20. Books read in 2014


  1. Review of 2014
  2. Instagram magic
  3. A kick from an Information Flaneur
  4. What’s your dog’s name?
  5. Sinking or syncing
  6. Walking the Overland Track in Tasmania
  7. Women leading change
  8. National Library Week 2015
  9. Changing landscapes in the library world
  10. Surrender
  11. Wanderlust
  12. SiLLe Library Engagement


  1. It’s not about me
  2. Sprucing up the library with Kevin Hennah
  3. The Treasure Box
  4. Tell me
  5. On being dismantled
  6. Live & Local
  7. My family history
  8. Esoteric ponderings
  9. Alexa, Jelly, and Web 3.8
  10. Goodreads Reading Challenge 2016


  1. Go digital
  2. Deliberation Reflection
  3. To sit or not to sit
  4. Fight like a lady
  5. Let me count the ways
  6. Row X
  7. Square eyes
  8. Co-Creating Experiences of The Book
  9. Cookbooks
  10. Silent Reading Party
  11. Snippets thus far
  12. Stories with music
  13. Appreciating Hokusai
  14. Meditating with Insight
  15. Six months of library events
  16. Beyond the story
  17. Victoria’s Public Libraries Writing A New Story
  18. Goodreads Reading Challenge 2017


  1. Go deeper in 2018
  2. Up close and personal with Saxton Speakers
  3. Stories in Sepia
  4. Author Alec Patric
  5. The Creative Library
  6. Portland Library
  7. The numbers are not adding up
  8. Books read in 2018
  9. Reflections of 2018


  1. Leaving Library Land
  2. What is a Library?
  3. Retired Life
  4. Writing practice
  5. Books read in 2019


  1. Mick & Sue’s Aussie Adventure
  2. Searching for Phosphorescence


  1. 2020 Year in Review – The Year of the Virus
  2. Stories from Mick & Sue’s Aussie Adventure
  3. Lockdown Life
  4. Ancestor Arrivals in Australia


  1. Those Adverbs
  2. Zero Draft
  3. Finishing the Zero Draft
  4. Photograph of Fishermen
  5. Writer’s Work
  6. Catching Butterflies
  7. My Writing Process
  8. Zen and the Art of Creative Writing
  9. Review of 2022


  1. Reading as a writer
  2. Learner’s Mind
  3. The travel blog resumes