Esoteric ponderings

Lately I have not been writing, and consequently my blog has been ignored. I have been on a quiet quest searching for answers and personal healing. Along the way, I have been accompanied by others, who appear to be on a similar quest. Listening to their voices and conversations on podcasts has lifted my spirit, healed my wounds, opened my heart, grounded my doubts, and soothed my very being.

These are some of the voices that I have been listening to:


Bentinho Massaro shows us “where self-realization meets empowered living. Through a few simple instructions profound realizations will emerge, enabling the innate fragrance of freedom to bloom and emanate everywhere you go.”

Rich Roll wants to educate, inspire and empower you to unleash your best, most authentic self.”

Julie Piatt (Srimati) offers Divine Throughline – “spiritual musings on living life divine.”

Jonathan Fields has the Good Life Project. “I love discovering stories and ideas that inspire me.

Elizabeth Gilbert explores Big Magic “creative living beyond fear”.

Rob Bell has a weekly Robcast where he talks about God, spirit, wisdom, and more.

Jono Fisher’s Wake Up Project focuses on kindness, leadership, courage, and inspiration.

Kimberly Wilson is a self proclaimed Francophile and offers some “Tranquility du Jour”.

Listening to the conversations on these podcasts, while I commute to and from work, fills me with gratitude, wonder, information, inspiration, and motivation to just get on with my life. Thank you.