The travel blog resumes

Very soon Mick and Sue’s Aussie Adventure resumes with Part Two of our Big Lap of Australia.

During 2020 and 2021 I enjoyed writing the travel blogs of our trip and some of these were picked up by other organisations for inclusion in their publications. This gave me added impetus to continue to write about our trip.

So once again I am embarking on this endeavour to write about our travel; for the love of finding expression through writing, and to chronicle and share those experiences. I enjoy reading about and observing the travels of others who are exploring this beautiful world in a myriad of ways. I hope my humble attempts lighten someone’s day.

Travel with a twist

What is your favourite genre for reading? Romance novels? Crime thrillers? Biographies? Cook books? Sport? Chick Lit? Vampire Romance? History?

The genre I most like to read does not fit easily into a cute sticker-size description or book shelf. You will find these books interspersed amongst travel, self help, culture, adventure, biography, geography, fiction, poetry, health and well-being. I like to read personal accounts about people who set out from their known, safe worlds, and travel off with some purpose in mind – a quest perhaps. It is done with a spirit of adventure, challenge, and personal discovery. The single word that comes closest to describing this would be “exploration”. Or perhaps “journeys” – although the word “journey” has been cheapened in popular colloquialism.  Exploration of the world, life, culture, the individual.  It is travel with a twist.

In no particular order here is a list of some books I’ve read and loved that I think fit into this genre: